Friday, August 13, 2010

Passing Open Guard Options

Opponent is in sitting or butterfly guard.

Push Opponents back to the mat.

1. If they stay down use the Standing Step Pass.
(One arm posted on stomach, the other on one knee. Your outside leg will be outside the knee you are controlling. Step back with the inside leg as you push the controlled leg back/down. Step around and take knee on belly or side control.)

2. If they sit right back up use the Knee Slide Pass.

(Control the head with one arm and the arm on the side you intend to pass. Then control as you slide your knee across for the pass.)

3. If they pull half guard use the Folding Pass.

(Push knees together toward the leg being controlled and sprawl back. Keep the legs smashed/folded as you circle to side control.)

4. If they pull half guard and control the other leg use the Leg Over Pass.

(Take the leg that is being controlled by their arm and bring it over their body. Sitting out in a way as you come across to the other side. Make sure to get the far under hook as you bring the leg over.)

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