Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My trip to the 10th Planet

I had the opportunity to train with Eddie Bravo this past Saturday at 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Eddie is famous for submitting Royler Gracie in a no gi Jiu Jitsu match at ADCC 2003. He is now one of the most sought after Jiu Jitsu trainers by professional MMA fighters (as well as best friends with UFC commentator Joe Rogan). Not being an MMA fighter or someone who is always thinking about how Jiu Jitsu will translate in a street fight I went into this seminar with a complete open mind...

I made a point to pick up Eddies "Mastering the Rubber Guard" book prior to attending the seminar and was happy I had. The seminar was focused on the Rubber Guard and was basically the book in real life. Aside from some real informal Rubber Guard training with training partners at MCFM, the stuff is still very new to me.

The Book

Eddie was really cool about starting from square one in order to make sure all the students could do and understand the Rubber Guard system. The seminar flowed one move to the next and laid out a "plan of attack". This flow style of Jiu Jitsu is what I really like. I have always related to the idea that Jiu Jitsu should be taught and played like any other art form. It doesn't make since to teach beginning piano players how to play Bach, it makes more sense to teach them the basics behind the keys and notes. Once the foundations are understood they will be playing Bach (or choking people) soon enough. This was totally Eddies approach.

I could go on outlining the details of each step and move we worked but you would be better off just picking up his book "Mastering the Rubber Guard" and then visiting the 10th Planet school for some instruction. The book does a great job of laying out the Rubber Guard system. Having Eddie in the same room to talk to, listen to, and troubleshoot with was the biggest benefit of attending the seminar.

These are some of the moves we covered (more for my own reference).
Also outlined in the "Mastering the Rubber Guard" book.

Breaking Opponent Down into Mission Control-Page 131
The Zombie-Page 135
New York-Page 170
Double Bag
Chill Dog-Page 178
Invisisble Collar-Page 178/179
Kung Fu Move-Page 164
Jiu Claw-Page 188
Omoplata-Page 188
Carni-Page 173
Farside Arm bar from Invisible Collar.-Page 183

I have to say that I took the most from Eddies "Jiu Claw" version of the Omoplata attack! Very tight and controlled. Much different than your typical Gi trained Omoplata.
-Parallel, control arm/wrist to their hip, control hip/legs with other arm.
-Pinch knees together with outside leg pushing the shoulder controlled leg down.
-If they roll, control all the way over and take side control. "DA"-Page 199.

"Overhook is everything!" - Eddie when asked about butterfly control (learned a transition to Rubber Guard from a failed sweep).
Forearm into arm pit pressure.

Tim and Nate, the guys who run the 10th Planet affiliate in Woodbury (St. Paul), are two very nice and welcoming guys. I cant say enough about their gym and their open door policy. Class acts! Thanks for having Eddie up!! I look forward to training with you guys again in the future and would recommend anyone given the opportunity do the same.

Lastly, Shout out to Jon Larson for attending the seminar with me! Glad I had someone as new to the 10th Planet system as myself to train with!


  1. Word.

    Rubber Guard is cool, but hard on jinky knees.

    I forgot how much we learned, thanks for blogging it.
