Thursday, August 26, 2010

Random Ramblings

Worked the half guard tonight and I was instantly taken back to my last tournament where I was ineffective while working the bottom half guard. It is frustrating to see the holes in your game! Its a good thing to know where they exist, but god it sucks to know this part of your game needs work. Do you play the traditional half guard, use the lockdown, or venture in the newer stuff (ie: deep half guard)? I was grateful to my coach Tim for working top and bottom half guard with me after class. Reps are whats needed!!! Its not like I haven't studied or drilled the half guard in the past 2.5 years. The reality of it is that I haven't drilled it enough to be comfortable and effective using it. What works for you guys? Seriously. I wanna hear from others.

My biggest problems.
1. Staling in the lockdown.
2. Being flat WAY too much (especially cross bodied).
3. Getting my knee shield smashed and fold passed.
4. Getting my under hook whizzerd.

Help a brother out with information and I will hit the mats and rep it out!!

Oh yeah,,,there's that passing from the top too. Maybe I'll fuss about that next time. ;)

Too bad we only get one lifetime to learn this stuff. I could use at least 5!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Robert Drysdale - Head and Arm Choke


This is an excellent video on how to do the head and arm choke from mount. I had the pleasure of working this one with Robert at a seminar last year. Enjoy!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Passing Open Guard Options

Opponent is in sitting or butterfly guard.

Push Opponents back to the mat.

1. If they stay down use the Standing Step Pass.
(One arm posted on stomach, the other on one knee. Your outside leg will be outside the knee you are controlling. Step back with the inside leg as you push the controlled leg back/down. Step around and take knee on belly or side control.)

2. If they sit right back up use the Knee Slide Pass.

(Control the head with one arm and the arm on the side you intend to pass. Then control as you slide your knee across for the pass.)

3. If they pull half guard use the Folding Pass.

(Push knees together toward the leg being controlled and sprawl back. Keep the legs smashed/folded as you circle to side control.)

4. If they pull half guard and control the other leg use the Leg Over Pass.

(Take the leg that is being controlled by their arm and bring it over their body. Sitting out in a way as you come across to the other side. Make sure to get the far under hook as you bring the leg over.)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Over Under Half Guard Pass

According to Marcelo Garcia, "The Over Under Pass is the most efficient and safest way to pass the half guard." ( This is something I need to work on. Getting stuck in half guard and playing the scramble game is not conducive to gaining a dominate top position. Digging for darces/brabos or sitting out guillotine attempts didn't work well while training tonight. Fighting for the far under hook was somewhat of a battle that I will need to work on. Next Wednesday we should drill this!!!

Keys To Remember:

Use the Over Under Control for Gi and the Under hook and Head Control for Nogi.
*Approach the pass with the intent to gain these positions!!

Re-pummel using your opposite arm to force his under hook down, and swim in for the control.

If the opponent pushes away to resist your guard pass, he will create space for the Under Hook.

If you cannot pummel for the control, drop your weight behind your opponent's elbow as a substitute for the Under Hook instead.

Do not float over your opponent/Stay off the middle of his body.

Bring your knee close to your elbow to press down for the pass.

Push the knee and slide the locked leg through.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Drill, Drill, Drill...

"I fear not the man who has practiced 10000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10000 times." - Bruce Lee

These words read very true to any practitioner of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Sure we would all love to watch a youtube video, drill it for 10 minutes, and then kill with it in class and at tournaments. The truth of the reality is this does not happen. Unless you have been blessed by God himself to innately be able to pull off a certain move effortlessly you are gonna need to drill. I have been "passing guard" for over 2.5 years now and I still have not drilled the passes enough to pass guard at will. Last night we played pass the guard drill for 20 minutes and I walked away recognizing this fact. Granted my passing has been pretty one dimensional up till now, I love being smacked in the face with the reality that you just need to Drill, Drill, Drill. Being injured allowed me to look at my "game" and recognize that I try way too hard to use the plethora of moves I have been taught and seen on countless videos and dvd's. It is time to pull it together and start focusing on the few moves that make me successful. Practicing these few moves thousands of times will be way more beneficial then practicing thousands of moves hundreds of times. Thanks to this Bruce Lee Character for putting this idea into words. ;)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Midwest Center for Movement - Rigan Machado Jiu Jitsu - Hudson, WI

Just wanted to take a minute to plug the school I train at. If your in the Twin Cities, MN or Western Wisconsin area you need to come out and train with us. I will post information below and will keep a link on this page that you can click on at any time. We are not just a team but an extended family. Come out and do Jiu Jitsu with us!

Midwest Center for Movement
1830C Hanley Place
Hudson, WI 54016

715-377-1584 or 651-308-8673

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Losing, Making, and Maintaining a "Good" Competition Weight!

I cant put into words how hard it is for me to "try" to lose weight. I walk around anywhere from 191-195lbs at any given time. Ive competed most recently in the 180-189lb divisions at local tournaments but feel that I would be most competitive in the 170-179lb division. I work overnights, have 3 kids, and a stomach condition (I.B.S). It is soooo hard for me but I really want to be in the "right" weight division. Just venting but would appreciate any real insight into how I can get my weight down to 185lb walk around and 179lb competition weight. At least fat kids are hard to kidnap! ;)

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Fightworks Podcast

Just wanted to take the time to plug my favorite podcast "The Fightworks Podcast"! They were kind enough to tweet out the link of my blog today. There is no better source for BJJ 411 in audio form than from them. Subscribe to them on itunes or look them up online at Thank you Caleb and Dan for this awesome resource.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

My Jiu Jitsu Goals

I have heard its easier to obtain your goals if you make them visible to others. For that reason here they are.

Long Term

1. Become known as a technical Jiu Jitsu guy/mind.
2. Compete in 50 tournaments by the time I am 50.
3. Compete and medal at NAGA, Grapplers Quest, and an IBJJF event.
4. Establish a Jiu Jitsu program within the Ramsey County Community Corrections Department.
5. Obtain the Black Belt by 2017.
6. Coach a BJJ student to a BJJ or MMA World Championship (I wanna be Mickey from Rocky).

Short Term

1. Stay healthy.
2. Roll more/become more competitive.
3. Help others learn and become better in the process.
4. Earn a 1st Place Medal at the Submission Hunt.
5. Train with Robert Drysdale and Marcelo Garcia.
6. Earn the Purple Belt in 2012.

Most Importantly

I want to be the best Husband and Father that I can be. Nothing will stand in the way of me doing this. FAMILY FIRST! Hopefully one of my kids will enjoy Jiu Jitsu as much as me!
